Register for the Online, At-Home
CLT3-8 Exams
Please read the following before registering.
The Fall 2024 administration of CLT3-8 will take place between September 3rd and 27th, 2024. The deadline to register for online, at-home tests is Thursday, September 19th, 2024.
All tests will be administered online from your home. Looking to order tests for a school or homeschool group? Please visit this page instead!
All testing information, including test instructions and test access instructions, will be sent to the email address associated with your registration. By submitting this registration form and payment, your student(s) are registered to test.
Please note that there is no need to create individual tester accounts for this examination, unlike the CLT10 and CLT. Your account, including all registrations and scores, will be associated with the email address you provide with this order.
Please visit this FAQ page for more details on the at-home administration process for CLT3-8. If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to